Original Music: 'Uh-Oh'

uh-oh track artwork.png
uh-oh track artwork.png

Original Music: 'Uh-Oh'



If ever there was an exclamation apt for the year 2020, maybe ‘uh-oh’ is a candidate.

Because the human race continues to fuck things up at what is literally a blistering pace. Climate protection, fair access to and use of resources, access to health care, freedom to fairly evaluate and choose political leadership, gender and race equity, and the ability of people to discern and value truth in the face of a well-developed and well-financed infrastructure of bullshit - all of these indicators of a healthy society appeared to continue to deteriorate in 2020.

Nevertheless, this piece of music isn’t really ABOUT that trajectory, but DESPITE it. It wasn’t written in contemplation of those negative indicators, but in negation of them. And honestly, it’s titled ‘Uh-Oh’ because the cadence of the first two chords of the piano and the first two notes of the saxophone just reminded me of ‘Uh-Oh’.

Anyway, if it manages to make you snap your fingers or tap your foot for a few moments, I’d consider that a good result.

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