"On A Rising Wind" now on iTunes

Now only $1.99 for 643 seconds of original music - that's 18 cents per minute!  But wait.  There's more.  You don't have to pay every time you play it!  You only pay once and then you can listen to it FREE FOREVER!

Now only $1.99 for 643 seconds of original music - that's 18 cents per minute!  But wait.  There's more.  You don't have to pay every time you play it!  You only pay once and then you can listen to it FREE FOREVER!

When "On A Rising Wind" was released to iTunes, apple priced it as an EP at $9.99.  Of course, TOTALLY WORTH IT for over ten-and-a-half minutes of music!  But my intention was to price it as a single composition at merely $1.99.  After a bit of intervention through official channels, the price has now been "corrected."  Let the flood of downloads begin!